This collection contains all standard band instruments found in genres like rock, jazz, funk, pop, r'n'b and hip-hop. It covers among other things, e-guitars, basses, acoustic drum-kits, a drawbar organ and various e-pianos. A highlight for sure is the extensive brass section, in which both solo instruments and complete horn sections are contained.
Horns - 9 Saxophones: Alto, Baritone, Section, Tenor;Trombones: Trombone,Acoustic Pianos -2 Grand, UprightElectric Pianos - 3 Clavinet E7, A200, MK2Organs - 20 C3 Blues, Circus, Disharmonica, Jazz, Marquee, Reggae Basic, Rock Basic etc.Guitar - 12 Funk, Harmonic, Jazz, Nylon, Rock; Akkord Guitar: Akkord Guitar, Akkord Guitar mini /small / big / all; Elektrik Guitar: Elektrik Guitar, Elektrik Guitar smallBass - 4 Classic, Funk, Pop, UprightDrum Kits - 11 Bling Bling, Chocolate City, Crystal, Funk, Jazz, Platinum Plus, Pop, Rock, Rolling Ice, Street Knowledge, Urban
To install.Mount or burn , copy to your HD all nki and all folders...
Disk size - 7,78 GB ,DL size 4.18 GB3% file recover (if CRC error)
Horns - 9 Saxophones: Alto, Baritone, Section, Tenor;Trombones: Trombone,Acoustic Pianos -2 Grand, UprightElectric Pianos - 3 Clavinet E7, A200, MK2Organs - 20 C3 Blues, Circus, Disharmonica, Jazz, Marquee, Reggae Basic, Rock Basic etc.Guitar - 12 Funk, Harmonic, Jazz, Nylon, Rock; Akkord Guitar: Akkord Guitar, Akkord Guitar mini /small / big / all; Elektrik Guitar: Elektrik Guitar, Elektrik Guitar smallBass - 4 Classic, Funk, Pop, UprightDrum Kits - 11 Bling Bling, Chocolate City, Crystal, Funk, Jazz, Platinum Plus, Pop, Rock, Rolling Ice, Street Knowledge, Urban
To install.Mount or burn , copy to your HD all nki and all folders...
Disk size - 7,78 GB ,DL size 4.18 GB3% file recover (if CRC error)
Pass: Likos
Ai muon co ngay lien he : Xuan Huy
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